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Warmduscher to play socially distanced shows at EartH

The London-based band are set to play two socially distanced sets at the Hackney venue on Saturday 12th December

Warmduscher’s live shows are notoriously chaotic, take their infamous End of The Road 2018 performance, so many were thrilled at the announcement of two live shows from the band. The band formed back in 2014 when they played at a house party and are currently signed to Leaf Label, who released their recent studio album Tainted Lunch.

Warmduscher have been dubbed as “the offspring of a match made in hell between Fat White Family and Paranoid London” and gained acclaim from the likes of Iggy Pop and Marc Riley. The latest studio album saw them work again with producer Dan Carey (Squid, black midi, Fontaines DC) and was placed at #6 on the BBC 6 Music ‘Albums of the Year 2019’.

The band go by aliases and are made up of Lightnin’ Jack Everett and Quicksand (Fat White Family), Clams Baker (Mutado Pintado/Paranoid London), Mr Salt Fingers Lovecraft (Childhood/Insecure Men) and The Witherer aka Little Whiskers (Paranoid London).

The socially distanced performances are being played at EartH in Hackney, London this coming Saturday, with an early show at 7:45pm and a late one at 10pm. Tickets are still available for the early and the late show from See Tickets.

- Callie Winch


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